Bring the Holidays Home
Extend those glorious holiday vibes Bring the holidays home… The holiday shouldn’t end just because you’re home. Don’t throw the happy holiday vibes out with the wet beach towels and sun hats. We can all agree that it has been about 1000 years since the 1st of January. By now you are probably swamped with new projects and other unavoidable things like school...Read More
Find Home Inspo on the Telly
Find Home Inspo on the Telly Embrace your binge watch. Storytime: My parents are the quintessential Baby Boomers. The generation that comes standard with pearls, prawn cocktail and problematic politics. Take away the politics and add an admirable work ethic with a total inability to take a time-out, and you’ve got my mom and dad. The time my parents went on a binge I...Read More
Christmas Tree Inspiration
Christmas Tree Inspiration Fresh new inspiration for the festive season Into the woods Yes, yes, – we know. South African Christmases are all about summer and sunshine. However – thanks to the persuasive powers of the Northern Hemisphere, Hallmark movies and the flood of Netflix Christmas fare, many of us secretly hanker for frosty, snowy, White Christmas! And...Read More
Iconic Chairs Worth Knowing
Iconic Chairs Worth Knowing About. Beautiful places to put your bottom. “Styles may come and go; good design is a language, not a style.” – Massimo Vignelli. Consider a chair: Since the dawn of time, humans have enjoyed sitting. While there was (and still is) a certain amount of ground and floor sitting done, there is even more proof of humans choosing to sit on or...Read More
Updating Your Home With Wallpaper
When you want more than a lick of paint Updating your home with wallpaper instead of paint. We have all heard the home renovation trope: “Just add a lick of paint” But what if you want more? Or can’t stand the smell of paint? This week we are looking into a classic wall treatment to update any space, without getting hardcore. (There will be no tiling, cladding or...Read More
Mix and Match Interior Design
Make peace between your pieces Stop the décor Cold War Bridge the generational gap between décor eras and bring cohesion back into your home. You can MAKE it match Storytime: I was privileged enough to move into a half furnished flat. Half furnished because the family member who lived there before I did, moved into a similarly half-furnished space and had to...Read More
You Can Have an Empty Nest Without Kicking Out Your Chicks!
How to enjoy your new space without alienating your grown kids. Empty nest syndrome refers to that weird feeling of loneliness some parents get once their chicks fly off. (grownup kids move out) My mother-in-law had an empty nest by the time she was 56. She could have moved to a smaller house, and finally erased her children’s messes and clutter from...Read More
Cute Ways to Store Your Books
Cute ways to store your books Books beat kindles every day! Buying books, and reading books are two different hobbies. If you are at all bookish you will know this. The problem with both, however, is that you still end up with more books than bookshelves. In honour of International Literacy day, celebrated on the 8th of September, we thought we’d have a chat about...Read More
Decorate Yourself Happy!
Dopamine décor is our favourite new decorating trend. What is dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, hard at work in our brains, and is involved in everything from movement, memory, pleasurable reward and motivation to behaviour and cognition, attention, sleep and arousal, mood, learning and even lactation. This is some powerful stuff! If you have enough...Read More