More Than a Pretty Penny.
The true cost of home renovations and the importance of residential financial planning. Storytime: I live in a mining town that is influenced by annual production bonuses. The payment of these bonuses affect everything from when schools decide to hold fundraisers, to which way the traffic flows in the mall parking lot each September. (Bonus month) ...Read More
Self-reliance means knowing when to call the professionals.
Don’t find yourself without cover… As much as we want to do it ourselves, certain things, like home-owners insurance just isn’t a DIY job. Unless you are exceptionally well-off and have millions of rands lying around, and don’t mind losing your home to some unforeseeable event, homeowner’s insurance is a fact of life. Another fact of life is that you NEED TO READ THE...Read More
Small Changes Can Save More Than Small Change
A few frugal living tips to help you save some cash now, so you can have a couple of rands extra to spend this holiday season. Read More