Improve Your Security at Home
Security plays an important role in the homeowners’ life and luckily security has come a long way in making it as convenient as possible to control and access. From digital security cameras to remote-controlled locks, many home security systems are automated and controlled via an app on your phone. For those going away, this may add some peace of mind. There are, however, a few easy ways to improve your security at home beyond a security system.
Anybody Home
It is a good idea to give people the impression that someone is home. This can be done by using timers to switch the TV or the radio on like someone is home. You can also incorporate sensor lights that come on when it is dark and go off when the sun comes up. Ask a friend or family member to collect your post and even give your place a once over from the outside before they leave.
Avoid Access
If you plan on leaving your home alone regularly, it is advised to avoid any glass or windows near doors. This can make it easy for criminals to access other parts of your home and essentially gain access. This can be like a garage door remote close to your sliding door which a criminal can easily snatch and use to get in.
Motion-activated lights are also a safe way to stop an intruder in their tracks. Most burglars will feel threatened when a spotlight is on them and run the other way. Make sure your neighbours report any suspicious activity around your house.
Put Away Your Valuables
Remove any valuables that can be spotted or that are close to doors and windows. Experts say that if it doesn’t look like you have much to steal, it can be enough to encourage burglars to move on to the next house. If you have a nice car, keep it in the garage. If you have a big TV, keep the windows closed at night. If you just bought something new and expensive, don’t leave the packaging in the street.
Go Smart
The quickest way to get your home security automated is by using easy to use “plug–in devices”. Some smart automation products do not require any additional bridges or hubs, only a Wi-Fi connection. You can plug the device in, pair it with your smartphone and be up and running with your first smart home installation.
Smart home automation allows you to control light switches, dimmer controls, and power monitoring that reacts to environmental changes, such as temperature. The most important thing about home automation is good Wi-Fi. A second key factor would be to familiarise yourself with the integration of products such as Google Home and Amazon Alexa to extend the capabilities of your solution beyond simply on and off.
Once you have a basic foundation for your system, you can extend the capabilities of your smart home without too many additional expenses.
Smart automation for your home is an excellent way to know what is going on when you are not there.
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