Our (shared) dirty little secret
I have a secret.
(I think we all have.)
I am in possession of a large fortune.
(but so are you, probably.)
I can’t even begin to tally up the rand value of my riches.
(It’s a universal problem, I’m sure.)
There is a kassie in my kitchen and its where I keep my fortune.
A plekkie in my car boot…
It’s a little bit shameful…but I believe it’s time to normalise this hidden failing of our generation.
So here goes (say it with me):
“I have a disgusting oversupply of bought and forgotten re-usable
(but never re-used) SHOPPING BAGS”
There is just one solution.
We, as a society, as a collective whole hoping to leave this planet in a better state for future generations, need to break the stigma of carrying around these bags.
Don’t overstuff your handbag with them, don’t think you’ll remember to take them when you get out of the car.
- Make yourself a bouquet of bags that you proudly carry down the store isles like a blushing bride.
- Get in the habit of stuffing them into your back pocket and strut through the frozen food isle like a proud peacock.
- Slip your arms through the handles and wear your tote like a deflated parachute of planet saving frugalness.
- Fold them over and stick them into your belt like a tutu, a kilt or a gladiator’s leather skort.
Because I promise you, once you’ve openly and absurdly made a show of your shopping bags, you’ll be far less likely to forget them in the car on your next bread and milk run.
Alternatively, take your thousands of rands of totes to your nearest Woollies and hang them on the “shopping tree” of reusable totes for the greater good of mankind.
What goes around, comes around and next time you need a bag, have faith that your neighbour would have gotten rid of their own little dirty secret and left you a selection of sakkies to choose from.