The dreaded word exercise. Some may feel inspired to try it all while the rest of us need a bit of a nudge to get off the couch. There is no shortage of online videos and exercise programmes to get you moving. We’re not going to delve into that but would rather share a few of our ideas to get a rosy tint on those cheeks.
Here are a few of our family-inspired ideas to get you started.
Don’t let your lawn have a holiday! Make sure you schedule its weekly mow. Want to know how you will burn those extra calories? Well, guess who is mowing the lawn? You. Pushing the extra weight is a great addition to a boring walk and you cover quite some ground walking up and down for a while.
How about washing your car with a really small sponge? Sounds like fun right?! This will give you a good “car wash” workout. The best part is that you can get the last bit of a tan in before winter, and your car will be sparkling clean!
Taking an old dinner fork and pulling out all those unwanted weeds in and around the garden will also give you some incidental exercise and give your garden a spruce up. This can be hard on your back so make sure you take a break with a good stretch every now and then. As always, do not forget your sunblock. The cooler weather does not protect you against harmful UV rays.
Have your kids ever asked you to play cricket or tennis with them? The usual answer is “not right now, ask your brother or sister” because let’s get real, who’s got time for that when it is almost dinner time?!
Now is a good time to probably say yes to the challenge. A fun game of backyard cricket with the family is really fun and the real rules do not always apply. Sometimes kids come up with their own rules. It is also usually played with a tennis ball and not a cricket ball, so the smaller kids can join in too.
We loved these workout inspired videos below. Share yours with us on our Facebook page.