Simple DIY with Elle Upcycle: Cutlery Holder
Do you want to use the time during lockdown to add a personal touch to your home? We asked DIY queen, Elle Franco (DIY with Elle) to share one of her projects.
DIY with Elle is no stranger to HOMEMAKERS, having shared her passion for DIY at many HOMEMAKERS Expos. She has also improved the HOMEMAKERS team’s DIY skills by being part of HOMEMAKERScare CSI activities where she taught us how to build a children’s chalkboard table and dog kennels for local NPOs.
Here is how you can make a useful cutlery holder to use in your kitchen or out on the patio.
Materials Needed:
3 to 6 tin cans – clean and prepped
2 x off-cut pieces of wood 35cm x 20cm
Paint or spray paint of your choice.
Tape measure
Wood glue
Wood screws (4.0 x 30mm & 4.0 x 16mm)
5mm metal drill bit
Handle (pull handle not a cabinet handle)
Long screwdriver
Power Tools Needed:
Cordless hand power drill with driver
Drill bit and 5mm metal drill bit
DIY Instructions:
Step 1: Prep and Formation
Once the tin cans are cleaned and prepped, position them along the wood piece in the formation you feel suits your style. In this project, three cans were positioned along one side of the wood piece and the other side was used as a serviette holder by making use of another off-cut piece of wood 35cm x 6cm. This serviette holder is optional and more tin cans can be placed on the other side of the “T shape” wood structure.
Step 2: Spray Paint
Prime the tin cans with a spray paint primer before applying colour.
Choose a spray paint colour of your choice and spray the tin cans and wood in a well-ventilated area and make sure the surface is protected by either newspaper of a drop sheet.
Use light horizontal and vertical strokes. Hold the spray can at least 30cm away from the object for even application. Be sure to allow each layer of spray paint to fully dry before applying another layer until the object is completely covered in the chosen spray paint colour. Allow spray paint to fully dry before continuing to the next step.
Step 3: Glue the “T Shape” Wood Pieces and Secure
Use wood glue to glue the two wood pieces in a “T shape” formation, ensuring that there is enough space on one side for the 3 x tin cans and slightly less on the other side for the “serviette” holder and smaller scrap piece of wood.
Wipe any excess wood glue with a damp rag, and allow for the glue to fully dry.
Once dry, grab 2 x 30mm wood screws, driver bit and a cordless drill to secure the base wood piece of the “T shape” to the vertical piece from the underside. Be sure to countersink the holes to ensure the head of the wood screws sit flush along the bottom of the base wood piece.
Step 4: Drill Holes in Each Tin Can
One drilled hole is needed at the base of each tin can for securing the cans to the “T Shape” wood structure.
Insert a 5mm metal type drill bit into the chuck of the cordless power drill safely and securely. Use the correct safety measures, including gloves and safety eyewear. Make sure the surface you are drilling on is steady and protected.
Hold the drill steady and at a 90-degree angle to the base of the tin can and with even pressure continue to drill through the metal. Do this to all of the cans.
Step 5: Secure Tin Cans to Wood
Grab the 16mm wood screws and a long screwdriver. Place a screw in the hole of the bottom of the tin can then continue to use the screwdriver to drive the small wood screw through the tin can hole into the wooden base. Hold the tin can in place while securing the wood screw tightly. Do this for all the cans.
Step 6: Secure the Handle
Grab the small 16mm wood screws and screwdriver and find the centre mark of the vertical T shape piece of wood and secure the handle into the top of that section of wood.
Once the handle is secure, the DIY cutlery holder is ready for use. Place the cutlery in each tin can and some serviettes in the other side holder. Keep this DIY project in the kitchen on display or transport it to the outdoor patio or braai area for use. This DIY project is even great to use in the home study for pens, pencils and other stationery.
You can like DIY with Elle on Facebook or Youtube to see more DIY projects.